It’s happening...the weather is changing and everyone here in Iowa City has pulled their fleece jackets out of the closets. So, here are some easy, surefire tips to a healthy Autumn.
1) Eat warmer foods and seasonal foods - Instead of summer’s raw salads which can cause gas and bloating, try to eat more stews, soups and steamed vegetables. This is beneficial for your digestion, warms you up on cold nights and supplements your qi. Good food suggestions for Autumn include spicy/pungent foods like onion, garlic, radish, and ginger. Apples and pears (especially Asian pears) benefit the respiratory system. Pumpkins, winter squash and sweet potato warm your yang energy as the weather becomes cooler.
2) Let It Go - Whatever it is! Nature instructs us about the cycle of creation and letting go every year. Autumn marks the end of the growing season and is a time to turn inward, conserving energy. Trees lose their leaves in preparation for winter. How can we expect a healthy harvest next year if we don’t release the old and stagnant aspects of our lives? The most powerful lesson of Fall is to release the clutter that unnecessarily complicates our lives in order to discover all that is meaningful and fresh.
3) Protect - As the weather changes, it’s easier for us to catch colds and flus. Certain areas of our bodies are more vulnerable when left exposed, so it is particularly important to protect the back of your neck and chest from the wind with a scarf or collar. Also, no bare feet, especially if you have hardwood floors. Walking around on cold floors chills the entire body.