Monday, July 29, 2013

The Mini-Vacation

Some of my friends who grew up in the Northeast recall that it was commonplace for families to take at least two weeks, often a month or a whole summer and go to the beach every year. Of course an annual retreat for relaxation and rejuvenation is routine in Europe; businesses there will commonly shut down for the month of August. Unfortunately, in our youthful American enthusiasm for getting ahead, we have forgotten the value of balancing productivity with plain old rest and relaxation.

Even when we do take “downtime” our consumer-driven culture has managed to make us feel as though we need special clothing or accessories to relax correctly.  And as far as I can tell, vacation has become a myth...some fantasy for the future that we use to justify working too hard now.  

And yet,  as trite as the new age jargon makes it sound, balancing work and play really is crucial for our health and wellbeing. In medical literature, psychosocial stress is accepted as a significant risk factor for heart attack and stroke. Giving our central nervous system a break by slowing down both physical and mental activity allows our entire system to function more smoothly. Digestion and sleep are improved, our immune system can respond appropriately and we become able to think more clearly.

With rest, our brain can become more creative, seeing solutions that simply weren’t there before.  Athletes know that optimum performance comes when you are able to get in “the zone” when your body is doing what it needs to without your brain having to think through the motions. Other work is the same way. We all have access to brilliance, but being able to focus that “knowing” into our work requires that we periodically take a step back and do nothing, just as an athlete would stop training and rest before a big competition.

So how do we integrate rest and relaxation into our lives with the kinds of intense schedules we have created for ourselves? For me the solution is one I'm calling the "mini-vacation." Working with many patients this summer who share the desire for a 'break'  - and the benefit from one - but can't seem to get the time away, I've structured a soothing acupuncture treatment - it's our own "mini-vacation". During this session, you are able to take time off and away without the pressure of feeling like something else needs to get done. I choose acupuncture points, essential oils, and music to leave you feeling refreshed. 

The purpose of our mini-vacation session is an experience of pure presence, of listening to what inspires you in the moment. 

Patients who have received this special treatment tell me they feel grateful and re-energized about  work. These mini-vacations work beautifully to keep us from wearing ourselves thin the rest of the year. Even if we aren't able to truly "balance" work and play, at least we ought to have a time-out every once in a while to reconnect to our own brilliance. Schedule your mini-vacation session - or gift one to a friend - and receive a 10% discount off a retail item of your choice during the month of August!

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