A new study published in Rheumatology International suggests that "dry needling" (another name for acupuncture) is an effective treatment for fibromyalgia.
Researchers gave 60 people with fibromyalgia weekly dry-needling sessions for six weeks. At the end of the study period, the treatment group showed significant improvement when compared to the control group. The symptoms that improved included:
• Pain
• Fatigue
• Pressure pain threshold
At a check up six weeks after the treatment period ended, the dry-needling group still showed significant improvement.
Learn more about acupuncture for pain relief. Curious about 'dry needling'? Just another name for acupuncture - and sometimes for trigger point therapy as well! We offer the only board certified acupuncturist in Iowa who is trained in both of these styles.
Patients at Health On Point have huge successes with acupuncture, both for fibromyalgia and myofascial pain syndrome. It reduces overall pain, anxiety, fatigue, and "fibro fog" - all of which made individuals much more functional.
Have you had acupuncture? How did it work for you? Is it something you've considered? Leave us your comments!